UN condemns assassination attempt against Iraq's Prime Minister

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq condemned the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimi.

Ekleme: 07.11.2021 16:05:58 / Güncelleme: 07.11.2021 16:05:58 / English News
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“The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) condemns in the strongest terms the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. The Mission expresses its relief that the Prime Minister was not hurt in the drone attack on his residence in Baghdad,” UNAMI said in a statement on Sunday. “Terrorism, violence and unlawful acts must not be allowed to undermine Iraq’s stability and derail its democratic process.”

Joining Prime Minister calling for calm and urging restraint, the mission added: “Moreover, UNAMI strongly encourages all sides to take responsibility for de-escalation and to engage in dialogue to ease political tensions, upholding the national interest of Iraq.”

“The United Nations stands by all Iraqis who long for peace and stability; they deserve nothing less,” the mission concluded.

Early on Sunday, Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimi survived an assassination attempt via an explosive drone that targeted his residence in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone district. (ILKHA)