Zionist forces injure Palestinians in anti-occupation marches

At least two Palestinians were injured by rubber bullets while dozens of others suffered from teargas inhalation as zionist occupation forces (ZOF) on Friday suppressed the weekly anti-occupation rally in Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya.

Ekleme: 29.10.2021 22:05:59 / Güncelleme: 29.10.2021 22:05:59 / English News
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Local sources reported that violent clashes broke out after Friday prayers when ZOF forces heavily fired tear gas bombs and rubber bullets at the peaceful protesters.

For years, the village of Kafr Qaddum has been at the heart of a national campaign protesting against the illegal settlement activities in the occupied West Bank.

Almost every day, clashes erupt between Palestinian protesters and Israeli occupation forces in the village.

Meanwhile, zionist forces closed Beit Ainun road leading to Sa'ir town in al-Khalil, restricting the locals' movement. (ILKHA)