Palestinian factions declare “Friday of anger” in support of prisoners

Palestinian factions in Gaza have called on the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to make Friday, September 10, a day of massive anger and clashes with the zionist occupation forces in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners.

Ekleme: 09.09.2021 23:15:59 / Güncelleme: 09.09.2021 23:15:59 / English News
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This came in a sit-in organized on Thursday by major factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, outside the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza.

In a speech delivered on behalf of the factions, Jamil Mezher, senior official of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, urged the Palestinian masses to unleash their anger against the occupation and clash with its forces in all flashpoint areas to show their support for the Palestinian prisoners.

“Our people and their resistance are with the prisoners and they will neither fail them nor forget or ignore their suffering. They will never leave them alone and are ready to sacrifice their blood for them and fight the whole world for them,” Mezher said.

He affirmed that the Palestinian people started mobilizing their efforts on the ground as a prelude to launching a comprehensive popular uprising against the occupation.

He warned that the Palestinian people would not stand idly by and would respond to Israel’s escalation if it persisted in its criminal attack on the prisoners in its jails. (ILKHA)