HÜDA PAR: US, NATO countries should be held accountable for Afghan crimes

In its weekly statement on external agenda, HÜDA PAR has made important assessments regarding the US civilian massacre in Afghanistan, the attacks of the zionist occupation regime in Palestine, and the regional summit held in Baghdad.

Ekleme: 08.09.2021 11:21:00 / Güncelleme: 08.09.2021 11:21:00 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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“The USA, which has occupied Afghanistan for 20 years and massacred tens of thousands of civilians under the pretext of fighting against terrorism, continues its massacres even after its escape. Nine people, including six children, were killed in US attack which allegedly targeted ISIL bombers,” HÜDA PAR said, adding: “It has been seen that the USA will continue its military activities by taking advantage of the instability in the country even after the 20-year occupation has ended. The USA and other NATO forces should be held accountable for their crimes in Afghanistan.”

Calling on the Taliban administration to pursue a reconciliation-oriented policy in order to prevent a new civil war in the war-battered Afghanistan, HÜDA PAR went on to say: “Otherwise, it will be easier for the invaders, who take advantage of the instability, to drag Afghanistan into a new chaotic process. In this sense, the countries of the region should support the political and economic stability in Afghanistan and contribute to the real independence of the region. Afghanistan, which survived the actual occupation of the USA, should not be handed over to China, and the country should be prevented from turning into a competitive field of the two imperialist powers.”

“The attacks of the zionist occupation regime”

Slamming the zionist occupation regime for its barbarian attacks in Palestine, HÜDA PAR said:” Palestinian Prisoners' Center for Studies announced that 73 of the nearly 1,000 Palestinian children detained by the Zionist occupation regime since January 2021 are under the age of 14 and that these children have been subjected to ill-treatment and torture. The zionist occupation regime, which has carried out all kinds of massacres in the occupied Palestinian territories, has recently increased the dose of its attacks. The zionist occupation regime, which carried out airstrikes against Gaza, continues its atrocities in the West Bank.”

“The Zionist occupation regime takes the courage of its recent aggression from the countries of the region that are in a normalization race with the Zionist regime. The Zionist regime, which martyred dozens of innocent civilians in the last Gaza attacks, was avoided even verbally, and the occupation and massacres were ignored. The Muslim public should take action against the occupation regime that carries out genocidal activities in Palestine and the Palestinians should not be left alone.”

“France never wants stability in the Middle East”

"On Saturday, August 28, the Baghdad Summit, called the "Neighboring and Regional Countries Cooperation and Solidarity Summit", was held in Iraq. The heads of state or government of France, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, as well as the general secretaries of the Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation attended the summit,” HÜDA PAR noted.

“It is very important that Iraq, which has been on the agenda for a long time with occupation, war, chaos, and conflicts, hosts such a summit where the region is stabilized and economic cooperation and regional development are encouraged. However, it is regrettable that France, which came to our region only for imperialist purposes, is remembered for occupation, exploitation, and massacres, and played a leading role in the rapidly developing Islamophobia in Europe, also took part in the summit. It should not be forgotten that the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the imperialist policies of France are at the root of many of the existing problems in the Islamic geography.”

Emphasizing that France has never wanted peace and stability in the Middle East, HÜDA PAR concluded as follows:” Islamic countries should show the will to solve their problems among themselves, without transferring their problems to the imperialists. Each of our problems, which we could not find a just solution among ourselves and which was transferred to the arbitration of the imperialists, will bring greater suffering and destruction.” (ILKHA)