Turkey: Consumer confidence index realizes as 78.2

Seasonally adjusted consumer confidence index decreased by 1.6% in August compared to the previous month, the Turkish Statistical Institute said in a statement on Monday.

Ekleme: 23.08.2021 10:40:55 / Güncelleme: 23.08.2021 10:40:55 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
Destek için 

The index became 78.2 in August while it was 79.5 in July, according to the statement.

Financial situation of household index became 61.3

The financial situation of household index at present compared to the past 12 months period which was 57.9 in July increased by 5.8% and became 61.3 in August.

Financial situation expectation index realized as 78.6

The financial situation expectation of household index in the next 12 months period which was 79.8 in July decreased by 1.4% and became 78.6 in August.

General economic situation expectation index became 75.3

The general economic situation expectation index in the next 12 months period which was 83.2 in July decreased by 9.6% and became 75.3 in August.

Assessment on spending money on durable goods index realized as 97.7

Assessment on spending money on durable goods index over next 12 months compared to the past 12 months period which was 97.0 in July increased by 0.7% and became 97.7 in August. (ILKHA)