14 Palestinian prisoners continue their open hunger strike

Fourteen Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli prisons continue on Saturday their open hunger strike, rejecting their administrative detention.

Ekleme: 08.08.2021 09:05:56 / Güncelleme: 08.08.2021 09:05:56 / English News
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Hassan Abd Rabbo, the spokesman for the Prisoners and Ex-prisoners Affairs Authority, said that the striking prisoners are determined to continue their hunger strike until their demands are achieved.

In an interview with Voice of Palestine radio, Abd Rabbo warned of the seriousness of the prisoners' health condition, especially with the severe heatwave in Palestine, as they suffer from severe fatigue, in addition to weight loss, and ill-treatment.

The zionist occupation regime holds 4,850 Palestinian prisoners in its prisons, including 41 female prisoners, 225 children, and 540 administrative detainees. (ILKHA)