Today marks the 5th anniversary of bloody coup attempt in Turkey

At least 252 people were killed in the coup attempts, which was started by a group of soldiers in the Turkish Army on July 15, 2016.

Ekleme: 15.07.2021 10:55:57 / Güncelleme: 15.07.2021 10:55:57 / English News
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There are coups in the political tradition of Turkey. The history of Turkey is written with coups, but people did not allow another coup. The attitude of the people of Turkey disappointed countries, especially the US and other imperialist countries, which design politics of the World. The US usually support and help people to success the coups in Turkey and The US called them “our boys” to honor actor of coups in Turkey from yesterday to today. It is wondered how the attitude of the US against Turkey will be hereafter.

What happened these days, which are the new milestones of Turkey? The information classified and collected by Ilke News Agency (ILKHA) explained the experienced time.

At 22.00, the coup attempts started on Friday, July 15, 2016, has deactivated in 22 hours by the resistance of people against the coups. In the first stage of the coups attempt, the Turkish General staff headquarters and state-owned Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) were captured by soldiers who supported the coup. At the same time, a group of soldiers closed Bosporus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in Istanbul.

Turkey is shocked by all these incidents and the prime minister connected to a special TV channel by phone and said that a group of officers in the Turkish army attempted the coup which will not be allowed and they are going to be punished at the highest level when time is 23.30.

At 23.24, there was an explosion in the special operation police education Center at Golbasi district of Ankara when new information is coming to the news center every second then it is reported at 23.30 that the chief of Turkish General staff Hulusi Akar was taken hostage by a group of soldiers of the coup.

At midnight some of the high-level military soldiers who did not support coups sources made an explanation which states that this coup attempt is done by some officers who are members of Fetullahci Terrorist organizations (FETO)/ the parallel state structure.

Military helicopter opened fire over the campus of National intelligence organization (MIT) in district Yenimahalle, Ankara at 00.09 when agencies were transferring news especially in Istanbul and Ankara at hot hours.  Upon this attack, the security personnel of MIT gave an immediate response to this attack by gun.

At 00.11, President Erdogan has moved to Ataturk airport from Marmaris. The statement of fake coups forced to read by TRT at 00.13. Presidential sources pointed out the statement regarding the coup is not authorized by Army. Turkish communications satellites (TURKSAT) cut off the broadcast of TRT shortly after the declaration. After these explanations, President Erdogan connects to a live broadcast of a private TV channel and he reacted to the military uprising and invited all people to airport and square of the cities across Turkey. Erdogan said that this uprising is against the national will and of course, our laws and constitution will give required response to these structures whether it is in the Army and a minority of other institutions.

At 00.35, the chief prosecutor of district Kucukcekmece of Istanbul Ali Dogan has launched the first investigation of the coup attempt. Then it was announced that soldiers who engaged in the coup attempt would be arrested where they were seen.

At 00.57, a helicopter of putschist soldiers attacked the facility of TURKSAT in district Golbasi of Ankara. After this attack, broadcasts of some private channels including REHBER TV went off air.

At 01.00, a statement issued by a community of Hezbollah stated that "We do not accept the coup attempt and we strongly condemn the coup attempt. We invite all of our people to resist the coup. "

At 01.01, the Ankara Provincial Police Directorate was attacked by fighter jet and helicopter. Minister of defense Fikri Isik said that this coup attempt is done by some soldier in TSK. Parliamentary General Assembly Hall (TBMM) opened with the arrival of the speaker of Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Ismail Kahraman, and MPs.

At 02.20, the coup soldier attacked the special operation department in district Golbasi of Ankara from the air and 17 police were killed by this airstrike.  Then TAF's F-16 aircraft dropped the Sikorsky-type helicopter in the hands of those in the coup attempt. At the same time, 13 coup soldiers with 3 ranked were trying to enter the Presidential complex/palace and they were taken into custody. After this, the Media advisor of MIT Nuh Yilmaz said that the coup is repelled.

At 02.42, TBMM has been bombed by putschist soldiers airstrikes. After 7 minutes, TBMM had been bombed for the second time.  The speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Ismail Kahraman and MPs went into the shelter.

At 03.10, prime minister Binali Yildirim said that all kinds of military helicopters and aircrafts fly over critical areas such as the National Intelligence Organization, Grand National Assembly of Turkey, presidential and prime minister place in Ankara would be hit with missiles.

At 03.20, President Erdogan landed at Ataturk Airport in Istanbul where he moved from Marmaris at 00.11 am.

At 04.00, the chief public prosecutor of Ankara released arrest warrants for all officers, soldiers who were involved in the coup attempt of FETO/PDY, and members of the so-called "Peace Committee of the Fatherland" the pro-coup generals, admirals, officers, soldiers.

At 04.42, Helicopters opened fire on the hotel in Marmaris where president Erdogan has left at midnight. Heavily armed coup soldiers with faces masked came down from helicopters and the hotel was under siege by coup soldiers. 5 police officers were injured in clashes.

Approximately, after one hour at 05.20, Prime Minister Yildirim stated in his Twitter account that one of the putschist generals has been killed and 130 putschist soldiers, including some colonels, have been detained.

At 06.00, Investigation was initiated concerning the coup attempt and 42 people in Golbasi center of special operation has been killed by an airstrike of coup soldiers was explained by the chief public prosecutor of Golbasi.

At 06.30, all roads connected to Cankaya Palace which is taken into security circle and the Prime Minister's Official Home were closed. It is informed that the helicopter used by coup soldiers, which bombed TURKSAT, has been dropped in Golbasi.

At 06.43, two bombs hit in the vicinity of the Presidential Complex/Palace.

At 06.52, Prime Minister Yildirim announced that the first Army Commander Gen. Umit Dundar has been assigned as chief of general staff.

The great mobility experienced in Turkey, especially in Istanbul and Ankara, putschist soldiers were killing people in the streets and squares.  On the other hand, some military and civilian government agencies either taken under the siege or were bombed.

Along with all these operations has launched against soldiers in the coup attempt by soldiers who did not support the coup attempt, by elements of the police and the National Intelligence Organization. The next process was continued as follows:

9 hours after the coup attempt, the interior ministry sources announced that 336 coup soldiers were detained. Then at 07.35, 754 members of the Turkish Armed Forces involved in the coup attempt have been detained across Turkey within the scope of the investigation launched on the coup attempt.

Ranks of soldiers involved in the coup attempt from the armor school and headquarters of the training division in Etimesgut were removed and they were surrendered to police by other soldiers from the headquarters of the officials.

At 07.50, 5 Generals and 29 colonels were dismissed by the minister of interior Efkan Ala.

At 08.32, Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar has been rescued by soldiers who perform an operation to 4th jet base command Akinci in Ankara

At 08.36, Gendarmerie General Command was seized by the police special operations.

Within the scope of the investigation launched on the attempted coup, 1374 member of an armed terrorist organization (FETO) has been detained across Turkey including 58th Artillery Brigade Commander Brigadier General Murat Aygün.

At 09.40, Nearly 200 unarmed soldiers and officers left from the department of general staff surrendered to the police.

At 09.56, it is announced that 1563 people involved in the coup attempt have been detained across Turkey within the scope of the investigation launched on the coup attempt. Then it was decided that all judges and prosecutors who are excused to cut off their permission to begin their duties immediately and judicial vacation was canceled.

It was clear that the coup attempt was failed after the morning’s first light then coup soldiers surrendered, investigations and operations begin to expand. The operations were launched against the supporter of coup attempts and their extensions in the Army and Judiciary.  The next hours continued as follows:

At 10.07, nearly 700 unarmed soldiers and officers left from the department of general staff surrendered to the police.  Then at 10.15 am, It was reported in the news that Bingol 58th Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Yunus Kotaman and Bolu 2nd Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General İsmail Güneşer has been detained.

At 10.34, officer and noncommissioned officers who did not support the coup attempt were kept locked in the room with hands tied and closed eyes have been rescued in the department of general staff. Then a group of soldiers including officers and noncommissioned officers had surrendered.

Prime Minister Yildirim explained that the chief of general staff Hulusi Akar has been rescued and he was at the beginning of his duty at the crisis center in Cankaya. It was reported that Coast Guard Commander Rear Admiral Hakan Üstem was dismissed by the minister of interior Efkan Ala.

Coup soldiers based in 4th Main Jet Base Command left the base after the attempt had failed.

At 11:27, coup soldiers in the General Staff Headquarters requested negotiations for surrender.

Right after 12.04, 200 coup soldiers were detained in the building of Gendarmerie General Command In the operation organized by special operations police.

At 12.57, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim came to the created crisis center in Cankaya palace and he explained that this coup attempt was suppressed; we have so far, a total of 251 martyrs and 1440 wounded. 2,839 officers of various ranks, including senior ranks and soldiers involved in this coup attempt, have been detained.

On the one hand, operations organized against coup soldiers, and on the other hand, the Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) acted within the scope of an investigation initiated in the judiciary. HSYK General Assembly decided to reduce the membership of 5 HSYK members in accordance with the decision of detention of the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor.  The second department of HSYK announced that a total of 2745 judges including 541 of them from the administrative court of the first degree and 2204 of them from the first degree in criminal justice was dismissed.5 members of the parallel structures in the Council of State were detained in the General Assembly Hall of Council of State.

At 15.26, 10 members of the Council of State were detained. The arrest warrants were issued for  48 members of the Council of State and 140 members of the Supreme Court by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor. The member of Constitutional Court Alparslan Altan was detained after research was made at his house.

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim made a speech at the extraordinary meeting of the Parliamentary General Assembly.

After long hours at 20.00, the operations against coup attempt at 4th jet base command Akinci has ended. A group of 67 people surrendered. Gendarmerie General Commander Gen. Galip Mendi has been rescued.

As of 20 July 2016, the purge already had seen over 45,000 military officials, police officers, judges, governors, and civil servants arrested or suspended, including 2,700 judges, 15,000 teachers, and every university dean in the country. (ILKHA)