Palestine: ZOA razes school building in Anata town

On Tuesday morning, the zionist occupation authority (ZOA) demolished a Palestinian school building under construction in an as-Salam suburb in Anata town, northeast of Jerusalem.

Ekleme: 06.07.2021 22:20:59 / Güncelleme: 06.07.2021 22:20:59 / English News
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According to local sources, bulldozers escorted by a large number of police forces stormed the suburb and embarked on knocking down the school building.

The ZOA justified the measure by claiming the school had been built with no permits. It is the same pretext used systematically by Israel to carry out demolitions and displace Palestinian families in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, police forces clashed with angry local youths as the bulldozers started to raze the school, and prevented journalists and residents from entering the demolition area.

A local young man was also interrogated and detained by the forces in the same suburb. (ILKHA)