Zionist forces kill Palestinian child in Mount Sobeih

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced the death of the 15-year-old child, Muhammad Hamayel, as a result of the Zionist occupation forces (ZOF) suppression of a peaceful march against settlements in Beita town, south of Nablus.

Ekleme: 11.06.2021 23:55:13 / Güncelleme: 11.06.2021 23:55:13 / English News
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Six other civilians were injured while dozens suffered breathing problems during the ZOF violent quelling of the march.

Hundreds of Palestinians performed Friday prayer on Mount Sobeih and participated in a march towards the outpost which Jewish settlers forcibly began constructing a month ago.

Since the early morning hours, the ZOF soldiers were deployed in the area and fired bullets and tear gas canisters at the marchers.

Dozens of settlers gathered at dawn Friday on Mount Sobeih and organized celebrations in the Avitar outpost.

The area witnessed recently several clashes between the residents on the one hand and the ZOF and the settlers on the other hand which resulted in the martyrdom of three Palestinian young men. (ILKHA)