ZOF raids homes, kidnaps Palestinians in W. Bank and Jerusalem

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) last night and at dawn Monday raided several homes and kidnaped a number of Palestinian citizens, including ex-detainees, in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Ekleme: 07.06.2021 12:05:56 / Güncelleme: 07.06.2021 12:05:56 / English News
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According to local sources, police forces stormed some neighborhoods in east Jerusalem, including Shuafat, Ras al-Amud, al-Qarmi and a-Thuri, searched homes and kidnaped Palestinian citizens.

Some of the detainees in the Jerusalem arrest campaign were identified as Abdullah al-Hashlamoun, Abdul-Rahman Abu Asab, Adam Sab Laban, Mohamed Abu Asab, Ahmed Ruken, Mahdi Salama, Riyad al-Ghazawi, Mohamed Yunis, and Abdul-Razzaq Siyam.

In the West Bank, the ZOF stormed different areas of Ramallah and kidnaped two ex-detainees identified as Rami Fadayel (at-Taira neighborhood in the city) and Ashraf Abu Arram (Birzeit town).

Local sources in Birzeit said that Israeli soldiers physically assaulted Abu Arram during his detention.

Two other young men were taken prisoners during an ZOF campaign in al-Jalazon refugee camp in the northeast of Ramallah. They were identified as Majd al-Rumhi and Atta Sharaka.

In al-Khalil, the ZOF broke into and ransacked homes in al-Khalil city and kidnaped three citizens from their homes. They were identified as Fahed al-Zaatari, Tariq Abu Sobeih and Jawad Abu Sobeih.

Another one identified as Muayyad al-Sharbi was kidnaped from his home in al-Arroub refugee camp in northern al-Khalil.

In Bethlehem, two wounded teenagers identified as Khaled Ghoneim, 17, and Muhammad Salah, 16, were kidnaped from their homes in al-Khader town.

The ZOF also ransacked homes in Beit Fajjar town, south of Bethlehem, and stormed other areas of the province.

In Nablus, the ZOF broke into and searched the house of journalist and prisoner Mohamed Asida in Tell town.

The ZOF also stormed Madama village in southern Nablus and raided the house of prisoner Bashir Ziyada. (ILKHA)