Zionist police kidnap more than 2000 Palestinians within two weeks

The zionist police have kidnaped more than 2,000 Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem and 1948 occupied lands within the past two weeks.

Ekleme: 29.05.2021 11:30:38 / Güncelleme: 29.05.2021 11:30:38 / English News
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A police statement on Friday said that indictment was leveled against 175 of the arrestees.

Meanwhile, local sources said that many of the detained would be held in administrative detention without trial or charge.

The police claimed that his campaign called “Law and Order” aimed at arresting rioters and outlaws and bringing them to court.

Palestinians in 1948 Occupied Palestine demonstrated over the past few weeks against the zionist aggression in Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque. (ILKHA)