Zionist regime kills 5 Palestinians, injures dozens in West Bank

Violent clashes erupted on Friday in the West Bank cities during marches that reject the zionist occupation’s aggression on the Gaza Strip and its violations against Jerusalemites.

Ekleme: 14.05.2021 23:50:53 / Güncelleme: 14.05.2021 23:50:53 / English News
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Five Palestinians were killed by the zionist occupation forces (ZOF) and dozens were wounded, local sources reported.

Medical sources reported that a young man was injured with four bullets in his body. He was taken to a hospital in Nablus before announcing his martyrdom later.

Mazen Shehadeh, the head of Urif village council, confirmed that the martyr was in his twenties and was shot while confronting the settlers’ attack in the town.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that two citizens arrived at Salfit Governmental Hospital from the villages Marda and Sakaka.

Their health conditions were described as critical as they were injured by live bullets in the chest and abdomen. The hospital announced their martyrdom later.

The ministry also announced the death of the young man Yusef Atatreh, 25, by ZOF bullets during clashes at the Dotan military checkpoint in Jenin.

Mahmoud Al-Saadi, an ambulance and emergency officer at the Palestinian Red Crescent in Jenin, said that Atatreh from Al-Tarm village died shortly after he arrived at Jenin Governmental Hospital because he was shot by a bullet that pierced the main artery in his foot, according to Ma’an. 

Furthermore, the ministry reported the death of a citizen by live bullets in Jericho. (ILKHA)