Khamenei: Only with the language of strength can one talk with the Zionist criminals

Iran’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamanei urged Palestinians to force the Zionist regime to stop its atrocities by increasing their power and strengthening resistance.

Ekleme: 11.05.2021 23:25:52 / Güncelleme: 11.05.2021 23:25:52 / English News
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In a meeting with a number of representatives from student organizations which was held via video conference on May 11, 2021, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated: “I feel it is my duty to express my sorrow over the two incidents of bloodshed in the world of Islam. One is the bitter, heart-wrenching tragedy in Afghanistan and the martyrdom of innocent, young schoolgirls who were attacked without having been guilty of any crime. May God's curse be on those who spread crimes to such an extent that they allow for the slaying of a large number of innocent, teenaged girls.”

Imam Khamenei also emphasized: “In the recent events of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestine and Holy Quds, the Zionists' malicious behavior is being seen by the eyes of the people of the world. It is truly everyone's duty to take a stance and condemn this malicious, criminal, barbaric behavior of the Zionists in recent days.”

Khamenei added: “Fortunately, the Palestinians are awake and firm. They must continue on this path. One can only talk with the language of strength with these criminals. They must increase their strength, stand strong and confront them. They must force them to stop their crimes and to surrender to truth and justice.” (ILKHA)