ZOF kills two Palestinians, injures another in Jenin

Two Palestinian young men were killed and a third was seriously wounded by the zionist occupation forces (ZOF) on Friday morning.

Ekleme: 07.05.2021 13:30:30 / Güncelleme: 07.05.2021 13:30:30 / English News
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The Palestinians were allegedly trying to carry out a shooting attack at a military site near Jenin in the northern West Bank.

The Hebrew website 0404 reported that three young men armed with Carlo rifles tried to storm the Salem military checkpoint.

The website added that two of them were killed while the third was seriously injured in armed clashes with ZOF.

Maariv, an israeli newspaper, pointed out that this incident had not occurred for years in the West Bank and that this type of operation was limited to happen in the Gaza Strip only.

Salem military site is located northwest of Jenin, on what is known as the Green Line which separates the West Bank from the 1948 occupied lands. (ILKHA)