Average household size in Turkey is on the decrease, TurkStat says

The average household size in Turkey was 3.30, the country’s statistical institute said in a statement on Thursday.

Ekleme: 06.05.2021 12:05:50 / Güncelleme: 06.05.2021 12:05:50 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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According to the results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), in Turkey, the average household size showed a tendency to decrease, with a decline from 4 persons in 2008 to 3.30 persons in 2020.

Şırnak had the highest average household size

In Turkey, the province with the highest average household size was Şırnak with 5.75 persons in 2020. Şırnak was followed by Şanlıurfa with 5.25 and Hakkari with 5.16 persons. The province with the lowest average household size was Çanakkale with 2.61 persons. This province was followed by Tunceli with 2.66 and Eskişehir with 2.68 persons.

The proportion of one-person households increased

According to the results of ABPRS, it was seen that the proportion of one-person households, which consist of a person who lives alone, increased to 17.9% in 2020 from 13.9% in 2014.

The proportion of one-family households and extended-family households decreased

It was seen a decrease in the proportion of one-family households, which are defined as households comprising a couple without children or a couple with at least one child or a lone parent with at least one child. The proportion of one-family households decreased to 65.2% in 2020 from 67.4% in 2014. On the other hand, the proportion of extended-family households, which are defined as households covering at least one nuclear family household with non-family member(s), decreased to 14% in 2020 from 16.7% in 2014.

The proportion of multi-person no-family households increased

It was seen an increase in the proportion multi-person no-family households of which members are not related to each other as couples or parent or child. The proportion of these households increased from 2.1% in 2014 to 2.8% in 2020.

The province with the highest proportion of one-person households was Gümüşhane

The province which had the highest proportion of one-person households was Gümüşhane with 28.7% in 2020. This province was followed by Tunceli with 27.9% and Giresun with 26.7%. The province which had the lowest proportion of one-person households was Diyarbakır with 10.2%. This province was followed by with 10.4% Van and Batman with 10.5%.

Osmaniye had the highest proportion of one-family households

The province which had the highest proportion of one-family households was Osmaniye with 72.6% in 2020. Osmaniye was followed by Gaziantep with 72%, Adıyaman and Kayseri with 71.9%. The province which had the lowest proportion of one-family households was Tunceli with 53.7%. This province was followed by Gümüşhane with 54.8% and Artvin with 55.6%.

Lone parents with at least one child constituted 9.7% of households

The proportion of lone parents with at least one resident child in total households was 9.7% in Turkey in 2020. When it was analyzed in detail, 2.2% of total households were lone fathers with at least one resident child and 7.5% was lone mothers with at least one resident child.

Bingöl had the highest proportion of households with lone parents

The province with the highest proportion of lone parents with at least one resident child was Bingöl with 11.7% in 2020. This province was followed by Adana and Malatya with 11.5%. The provinces with the lowest proportion were Bitlis and Ardahan with 7.1%, and Tokat with 7.2%.

The provinces with the highest proportion of lone mothers with at least one resident child were Bingöl with 9.2%, Adana with 9% and İzmir with 8.9%. The provinces with the lowest proportion were Ardahan with 5%, Tokat, Bitlis and Burdur with 5.5%.

On the other hand, the provinces with the highest proportion of lone fathers with at least one resident child were Kilis with 3.8%, Malatya with 3.1%, and Trabzon with 3%. The provinces with the lowest proportion were Nevşehir and Bitlis with 1.6%, Kayseri, Adıyaman, Tokat, Sinop ve Kars with 1.7%.

Hakkari had the highest proportion of extended-family households

The province which had the highest proportion of extended-family households was Hakkari with 24.4% in 2020. This province was followed by Şırnak with 24.2% and Batman with 21.5%. The province which had the lowest proportion of extended-family households was Eskişehir with 9%. This province was followed by Çanakkale with 9.6%, Niğde and Balıkesir with 10.1%.

The proportion of the individuals married to their relatives in their last marriage within total legal marriages was 8.4%

According to the results of ABPRS, the proportion of the individuals aged 16 and above who were married to their first cousins in their last marriage within total legal marriages was 8.4%. When the marriages between the first cousins were analyzed by kind of kindredship, it was seen that 46.6% of them were married to paternal aunt/maternal uncle children, 27.2% were married to paternal uncle children and 26.2% were married to maternal aunt children.

Mardin was the province with the highest number of individuals married to their relatives

When the marriages between the first cousins within total legal marriages were analyzed by provinces, the province with the highest proportion of the individuals aged 16 and above who were married to their first cousins in their last marriage was Mardin with 20.6%. This province was followed by Şanlıurfa with 18.3% and Diyarbakır with 17.1%. The province with the lowest proportion of individuals who were married to their first cousins was Edirne with 1.1%. This province was followed by Kırklareli with 1.5% and Çanakkale with 2%.

The proportion of the marriages between the first cousins decreased

According to the results of marriage statistics, the proportion of the marriages between the first cousins in total legal marriages in 2010 was 5.9%, this proportion showed a steady decline in the following years and became 4.8% in 2015 and 3.8% in 2020.

Marriages between the first cousins were occurred mostly in Şanlıurfa in 2020

When the marriages between the first cousins were analyzed by provinces, the province with the highest proportion of marriages between the first cousins in total marriages was Şanlıurfa with 15.1% in 2020. This province was followed by Mardin with 13.7% and Muş with 12.6%. While the province with the lowest proportion was Kütahya with 0.5%, it was followed by Çanakkale and Edirne with 0.6%.

Family was the main source of happiness for individuals

According to the results of life satisfaction survey, the proportion of the individuals aged 18 and over who stated that their families made them happiest was 69.7% in 2020. While the proportion of males who mentioned that their families made them happiest was 74.9%, this proportion was 64.5% for females. The proportion of males who mentioned that their children made them happiest was 9.2%, this proportion was 20.7% for females.

The number of children whose father died was 269 thousand 202

According to the results of ABPRS, within the total 22 million 750 thousand 657 children in 2020, it was seen that the number of children whose father died was 269 thousand 202, the number of children whose mother died was 80 thousand 798 and the number of children whose both mother and father died was 4 thousand 518.

When it was analyzed by sex, the number of children whose father died was 137 thousand 843 for males and 131 thousand 359 for females. The number of children whose mother died was 41 thousand 169 for males and 39 thousand 629 for females. The number of children whose both mother and father died was 2 thousand 328 for males and 2 thousand 190 for females.

45.1% of the households had portable computer

According to the results of the survey on information and communication technology usage in households and by individuals, 90.7% of the households had the opportunity to access to the Internet from home in 2020. This proportion was 7% in 2004. While the proportion of availability of portable computer such as laptop, tablet and netbook in households was 0.9% in 2004, this proportion increased to 45.1% in 2020. While the proportion of availability of mobile phone/smart phone in households was 53.7% in 2004, it increased to 99.4% in 2020 and while the proportion of availability of smart television in households was 7.3% in 2013, it increased to 33.8% in 2020.

27.7% of the extended families were below the poverty threshold

According to the results of income and living conditions survey, it was seen that the proportion of the individuals who lived below the poverty threshold was 21.3% in 2019, according to poverty threshold set at 60.0% of median equivalized household disposable income criteria.

When the poverty rate was analyzed by household types, it was observed that 12.3% of one-person households, 20.3% of one-family households, 27.7% of extended-family households and 14.1% of multi-person no-family households lived below the relative poverty threshold.

Households allocated the highest share to housing and rent expenditures

According to the results of 2019 household budget survey, while the expenditures on housing and rent had the highest share in total consumption expenditures with a rate of 24.1%, expenditures on food and non-alcoholic beverages took the second place with 20.8% and expenditures on transportation took the third place with 16.5% in overall Turkey. The groups which had the lowest shares in total expenditures were the expenditures on health with the rate of 2.2%, educational services with the rate of 2.5% and entertainment and culture with the rate of 3.1%.

The proportion of the individuals living in their own house was 58.8%

According to the results of income and living conditions survey, when the ownership status of dwelling was examined in 2019, it was seen that 58.8% of the individuals were the owners of the dwelling they were residing and 25.6% were tenants in their residence. It was observed that 39.3% of the individuals faced with heating problem due to isolation, 36.9% of the individuals faced with leaking roof, damp walls, rotten window frame problems etc., and 26.1% of them faced with air pollution, environmental pollution or other environmental problems caused by traffic or industry in 2019. (ILKHA)