Zionist army seizes 147 dunums of land in Bethlehem

The zionist occupation army has approved a plan to seize 147 dunums of Palestinian-owned land in the West Bank towns of Husan and Nahalin, west of Bethlehem.

Ekleme: 23.04.2021 08:40:47 / Güncelleme: 23.04.2021 08:40:47 / English News
Destek için 

Local official Hasan Bureijiya said that the annexed dunums of land are located in Daher al-Mitrasbah area of Nahalin town and the areas of Khallet as-Saraweel and Shuaab al-Bish in Husan town.

Last year, the zionist army appropriated vast tracts of land in the towns of Nahalin, Husan and Wadi Fukin and embarked on carrying out projects and roads for Jewish settlers. (ILKHA)