The Prophet's Lovers Foundation releases a message regarding the Mawlid al-Nabi Week

The Prophet's Lovers Foundation has released a message regarding the Mawlid al-Nabi Week”, which is being observed on April 5-12 with the theme of “Understanding the Prophet and Living His Sunnah”

Ekleme: 06.04.2021 17:25:16 / Güncelleme: 06.04.2021 17:25:16 / English News
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The full text of the message is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Prayers and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, his family, and all of his companions.

1-The Remedy for Humanity is the Love of the Prophet

There is no disease that could not find a remedy in the spiritual hospital of Prophet Muhammed, who is the most beautiful example and a guide that was gradually nurtured by divine revelation. The polish for the hearts that have blackened due to spiritual deprivation and unawareness of the purpose of creation is to imitate Him and to follow in His footsteps. Humanity never will find peace until it patterns itself on Him. The ayah “Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes to reach Allah and the Last Day (the day of reaching Allah before death) and remember (repeat the Name of) Allah much.” (Ahzap,21) is a concrete indication of this.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the paradise of humanity in the World and Hereafter.

2- The Medicine of Material and Spiritual Diseases is the love of the Prophet

The causes for all kinds of diseases, epidemics, and problems that make humanity desperate are the excessive or imbalanced consumption of nutrients, the consumption of haram and unclean foods, the poor personal hygiene practices as well as the lack of environmental cleanliness.

“Cleanliness is half of faith,” the Prophet, the paragon of the contentment and the reliance on God, said in one of his well-known hadiths. This hadith-i Sharif is a medical prescription not only for material diseases but also for spiritual diseases. The genuine remedy for the dungeons of egoism, the crises of ineffectualness and laziness, the delusion of cowardness and stinginess, the fire of grudge and vanity, and the troubles stemming from a foul language is only the moral school of the Prophet (PBUH).

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the healer of all diseases of humanity.

3- The salvation of Muslim youth is through the Love of the Prophet

The way of salvation for a purposeless aimless and idealless youth who suffer from depression and identity confusion goes through the moral school of the Prophet (PBUH). The first graduates and exemplary persons of this school were the Companions of the Prophet. Many of the Prophet’s companions, who were aware of their responsibility and have hope and goals, have added excitement to the sprouting idealism of world history.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the leader of ideal youth.

4- The Shield of Decency and Honor is the Love of the Prophet

The conventions that aim at family institutions, gender privacy of individuals, decency, and curtain of bashfulness are unacceptable to Muslims. They are null and void nonsenses. Decency and honor are the strong fortresses of the bodies and hearts of Muslim men and women. The most beautiful adornment of the hearts is the sense of decency. Muslim men and women are each other's spouses and complement. Muslim men are the head and tutelars of their families. “Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.” (Surah Al-Hujurat,31)

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the most precious husband, and the most compassionate father.

5) The Solution to Social Problems is the Love of the Prophet

The chaos and social conflicts are stemming from the misconception that the factors such as language, race, nationality, tribal affiliation, sect, community etc. are reasons for establishing superiority over the others. This misconception is a mental illness that must be cured. The Holy Quran refers to “the variety of your tongues and hues” as one of the many signs of Allah's divine power. The acceptance of the rights of others, the glorification of love, the building a language of love and respect and the reviving the feelings of affinity between relatives are among the constant recommendations of the Personage School of the Prophet.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the fair-minded and the righteous.

6) The Remedy for desperation and indolence is the Love of the Prophet

Just as a worm gnaws at a tree, desperation and indolence eat away human begin. The Muslims are those who are aware of the needs of the age. The most important achievement of the age is to raise talented and capable individuals. Desperation and indolence are not in the vocabulary of the Muslims who were ordered by Allah that “Therefore when you are free (from one task), resume (another task)” (Surah El-Inshirah, 7). Every Muslim has a responsibility to be useful to Muslims to the extent of their abilities and skills. Acquiring scientific knowledge, becoming specialized in some subjects, being aware of intellectual and political developments are from the requirements of Muslim morality.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, who delivered trusts to those entitled to them.
7) The Key to the Unity and the Salvation of the Ummah is the Love of the Prophet

Muslims across the world, especially those living in Europe, face pressure, assault, hunger, embargo, torture, and massacre. The cause of the relentless attacks of imperialists is people’s increasing tendency towards beloved Islam. Unfortunately, the silence and fragmentation of the world's Muslims encourage these relentless attacks. All nations in the world should know that the imperialists are the enemy of all humanity.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the guarantee of rights and freedoms

8) The Dignity of Holiness and Resistance is the Love of the Prophet

Jerusalem and Masjid Al Aqsa is an unforgettable love in our minds and hearts. Jerusalem is the first kiblah of Muslims and an indispensable part of our civilization.  The protection of Masjid Al Aqsa and its vicinity is one of the tenets of our creed. Teary-eyed Masjid Al Aqsa, which is in heart-wrenching captivity, will absolutely be free one day. Masjid Al-Aqsa and the Palestinian resistance, for which epics are written, are our honor. Today, Jerusalem cause, for which we will not refrain from paying any price, is the resistance of the Muslim youth. Today, the source of the resistance and steadfastness of Muslim youth is the Jerusalem cause, for which we will never refrain from paying any price. The spirit of this sacred resistance is the inheritance from the Prophet’s uncompromising stance against attacks on sacred values.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the imam and regular of the mosques

9) The Remedy for Worldly-mindedness and Moral Degeneration is the Love of the Prophet

The nabawi messages of the Prophet, which have lit the way for humanity, are the glitters of compassion and the drops of mercy for us. Islam is the founder and mentor of social justice. The injustice of income distribution fuels social chaos and turmoil. In societies where the sense of solidarity and altruism is lost, people’s tendency toward worldliness increases. But alms-giving, infaq (spending money for the Sake of Allah), and zakat are the glue of the happiness of the society.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, the most generous person in the humanity

10) The Fidelity of Brotherhood and Altruism is the Love of the Prophet

At a time when the wars that took place in the Islamic World, where disturbances and conflicts tremble hearts, have caused people to lose their capacities of discernment, and the fraternal fights have touched gayretullah (they have reached a level that may incite Allah to interfere), the brotherhood school of The Prophet is the abode (home) of peace. In our brotherhood civilization, where pacta sunt servanda ends resentments, acquaintanceship and affectionateness bring distance closer and altruism and appreciation touch hearts, there are no problems that cannot be solved.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, who treats his religious fellows with the most compassion.

11) The Guide in all Circumstances and Eventualities is the Love of the Prophet

We are living through difficult and selfish times in which societies are redesigned with perception operations and psychological manipulations, cognitive dissonance and intellectual corruption have increased, and individualism and a monotonous lifestyle are imposed. Information technology and social media platforms are constantly developing in a rapid race, so are the applications. The use of the technologies and opportunities of the age in accordance with Islamic rules is one of the necessities of the foresight of the Prophet. In accordance with the motto “Repelling an evil is preferable to securing a benefit”, Muslims should primarily use social media platforms carefully and consciously, being aware of their benefits and harms for society.

He is Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafa, who is the one who qualifies the benefits and harms in the best way.


THE PROPHET'S LOVERS FOUNDATION                                                                                                                    (ILKHA)