ZOA carries out large-scale bulldozing near Issawiya in Jerusalem

The zionist occupation authority (ZOA) on Sunday started bulldozing a vast tract of land near Issawiya district in the northeast of Jerusalem with the aim of isolating the area from its vicinity.

Ekleme: 05.04.2021 12:10:51 / Güncelleme: 05.04.2021 12:10:51 / English News
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According to local sources, large-scale bulldozing works are being carried out by the ZOA on Palestinian lands located between az-Za'ayyem village and Issawiya district.

The sources affirmed that the ZOA intends to build a new settler road as part of project E1 that aims to isolate the holy city from its environs.

Project E1 is one of the most dangerous Judaization plans that target the holy city and its surrounding areas of the West Bank. It had been approved by the Israeli government in 1999.

The project includes the establishment of a new settlement composed of 1,500 settler homes on a hill near Issawiya district and overlooking a new road connecting the illegal settlement of Ma’ale Adumim with west Jerusalem. (ILKHA)