“Masjid al- Aqsa should always stay on the agenda of Islamic World”

On the occasion of International Jerusalem Week, the Association of Mustazaflar (Solidarity with the Oppressed) and the Free Jerusalem Platform held a mass rally in front of the Diyarbakır Grand Mosque after the Friday prayer.

Ekleme: 13.03.2021 11:40:57 / Güncelleme: 13.03.2021 11:40:57 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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Attending the event via video conference from Jerusalem, Naser al-Hedmi, the head of the Jerusalemite Committee against Judaization, made a speech regarding the meaning and importance of the “International Jerusalem Week”, which is being marked on March 8-14.

After Hedmi's speech, Cemil Cahit Ünsal, Member of the Board of the Mustazaflar Association read a press statement.

Underlining that they consider every effort to keep the occupied Jerusalem on the agenda as a valuable step, Ünsal urged Muslims to defend the Jerusalem cause with their property and lives.

Ünsal also called on the ruler of Islamic countries to put aside all commercial and political interests and to end all relations with the zionist occupation regime.

Reminding that the Masjid al-Aqsa has been under the occupation of the terrorist state Zionists for nearly a century, Ünsal said: “Gradually, the size of this occupation is getting bigger every day. Even though the occupation of Jerusalem has come to the agenda on various occasions, unfortunately, these reactions of the Islamic ummah against the occupation were not at a sufficient level.”

Noting that keeping Jerusalem and the massacres committed by the terrorist gangs on the agenda is a religious responsibility for Muslims, Ünsal said: “For the freedom of Jerusalem and the freedom of the Masjid al-Aqsa, this holy cause must be constantly on the agenda. We find every attempt to keep Jerusalem on the agenda valuable, and we support it within our means.”

Ünsal recalled the hadiths of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who emphasized that everyone should put their best efforts for the Masjid al-Aqsa centuries ago and said: “This is why Jerusalem is one of the lifebloods of the Islamic ummah and indispensable for us. Jerusalem, which is surrounded by occupation and betrayal, will definitely be freed one day. Today, those who take strength from the break-up of the Islamic World and occupy the holy city will be expelled from these lands one day again. The developing Islamic awareness will soon foil the plots of the zionist entity. Even if the treachery agreements and the abasement of normalization console the zionist regime, they will suddenly feel the breath of Salahuddin on their necks.”

Ünsal called on the rulers of Islamic countries and said: “How are you in a disgrace that you are still silent while our first Qibla is under occupation. Does Jerusalem, which Allah made holy, and Masjid al-Aqsa, where the Prophet ascended to heaven, mean nothing to you? How will you be able to answer for this state of humiliation you are in on the Day of Judgment? What is your unresponsiveness when the children of the ummah are massacred in Islamic lands? For what worldly concerns do you ignore the truth? Your cowardice will not drive death away from you, nor will you be exempt from the account.”

“End all your relations with the occupation regime”

Ünsal went on to say: “Now come to yourselves. Stand against the murderers who turn Islamic lands into a bloodbath. Stop the Zionist barbarism that violates our sacredness. Stop normalization with the occupation regime, end all your existing political, economic and military relations. Be ashamed of your practices that justify the occupation. Close the lobbies that feed the Zionist regime in your countries, take the money barons to the terrorist list. When you see the reactions rising from these squares, oppose the Zionist occupation with concrete steps you will take, not with heroic speeches.”

Emphasizing that Jerusalem is the common denominator of not only the Palestinians but the whole ummah, Ünsal said, “The struggle against the Zionist occupation will continue until there is only one member of the ummah. What is expressed from this square is more than a slogan. Each of our words and determination will be enough to increase the concerns of the Zionist regime. Wait! Suddenly Muhammad's army, the conquerors of Khaybar, Saladin's grandchildren will come.”

Molla Enver Kılıçaslan, President of ITTIHADUL ULEMA (Union of Scholars and Madrasas), who participated in the program, made a speech by connecting online to the event in Jerusalem. (ILKHA)