ZOA seizes 658 dunums north of Bethlehem

The zionist occupation authority (ZOA) on Saturday issued a military order stipulating the seizure of almost 658 dunums of the lands of Al-Ubeidiya town, north of Bethlehem.

Ekleme: 07.03.2021 16:10:18 / Güncelleme: 07.03.2021 16:10:18 / English News
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The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) said that the ZOA issued the decision on Friday to seize a total area of 658,345 dunums of Al-Ubeidiya lands in Basin No. 6 in the Wadi al-Nar area. 

The confiscated dunums will be used to construct a water complex for the zionist settlements in the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea regions. (ILKHA)