Zionist regime announces appropriation of 193 dunums east of Ramallah

The zionist occupation authorities (ZOA) announced on Thursday the seizure of 193 dunums in eastern Ramallah and Al-Bireh to establish a waste dump for the settlements.

Ekleme: 26.02.2021 14:50:41 / Güncelleme: 26.02.2021 14:50:41 / English News
Destek için 

Mansour Mansour, the mayor of Deir Dibwan municipality, said in a press statement that the maps published by the ZOA indicate the confiscation of 193 dunums of Deir Dibwan’s lands and nearby Rammun village. 

These seized lands will be used as a landfill for the benefit of the Jewish settlers which is rejected by the Palestinian citizens, he added.

The mayor stressed that the citizens will confront all attempts by the ZOA to seize their land. (ILKHA)