Belgium: 16 people die from coronavirus in the last 24 hours

Belgium has reported 16 more deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, increasing the total death to 21,903.

Ekleme: 22.02.2021 17:35:39 / Güncelleme: 22.02.2021 17:35:39 / English News
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2,094 more people have tested positive for the virus, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 754,473.

The actual number of infections, however, is likely to be much higher than the number of diagnosed cases, as laboratory tests are limited to specific people and/or people with severe symptoms, and because many people with mild or no symptoms do not seek medical help, even as they are likely to be transmitting the virus.

51,678 patients have recovered and have been discharged from hospital, according to the country’s health ministry. (ILKHA)