Iranian Foreign Minister: Our region is our priority

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has released a statement regarding the Astana process, aimed at ending the Syrian conflict.

Ekleme: 16.02.2021 10:31:03 / Güncelleme: 16.02.2021 10:31:03 / English News
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Astana format members will again meet to discuss the Syrian peace process today in Sochi.

“Iran, Turkey & Russia deputies will meet Tuesday in Sochi to advance Astana process. Our region is our priority,” Zarif tweeted.

In mid-December 2016, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey agreed to suggest Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, as a new venue for carrying on the Syria peace talks.

On 20 December 2016, the foreign ministers of Iran, Turkey, and Russia agreed, pursuant to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 (Dec. 2015), to hold Syria peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan. (ILKHA)