Sheikh Sabri slams police restrictions on Muslim access to Aqsa

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri has strongly denounced the zionist occupation police for obstructing access of Muslim worshipers to the Aqsa Mosque and persecuting its guards and employees in an attempt to impose a new fait accompli at the Islamic holy site.

Ekleme: 06.02.2021 12:31:08 / Güncelleme: 06.02.2021 12:31:08 / English News
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In his Friday khutba (sermon) at the Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Ekrima slammed the police for allowing Jewish settlers to defile the Mosque, while blocking entry of Muslims and Jerusalemites, despite the coronavirus lockdown.

He described the zionist regime’s practices at the Aqsa Mosque and around it as illegal, reiterating the fact that the Mosque and the Buraq Square are Islamic mortmain property that belongs exclusively to the Muslim nation.

Earlier, the zionist police prevented, for the sixth consecutive week, thousands of Muslim worshipers from reaching the Aqsa Mosque from Jerusalem and other areas at the pretext of the anti-coronavirus lockdown.

According to local sources, police forces deployed road barriers at the entrances to the holy city, its old streets and the Aqsa Mosque and only allowed those from the Old City to attend the Friday khutba and prayer at the Mosque.

As a result, hundreds of Jerusalemites had to perform the Friday prayer in streets near the Old City. (ILKHA)