Turkey’s FM to pay a visit to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has issued a press Release regarding the visit of Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Ekleme: 31.01.2021 13:05:53 / Güncelleme: 31.01.2021 13:05:53 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
Destek için 

“Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey will pay a visit to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on 1-2 February 2021,” the Ministry said.

“During his visit, Minister Çavuşoğlu will meet with the TRNC authorities to discuss the issues on our common agenda, paticularly the Cyprus issue,” he added. (ILKHA)