Zionist settlers uproot more than 100 olive seedlings east of Yatta, West Bank

The zionist settlers uprooted on Tuesday more than 100 olive seedlings in the Sha`ab Al-Butm area near the Avigal settlement, which is built on Palestinian citizens’ lands east of Yatta to the south of al-Khalil.

Ekleme: 19.01.2021 16:31:11 / Güncelleme: 19.01.2021 16:31:11 / English News
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Ratib al-Jabour, the coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements, stated that the settlers uprooted more than 100 olive seedlings of the Palestinian citizen Ishaq Mahmoud al-Jabareen’s land. 

The zionisti occupation authority (ZOA) and its settlers seek through their continuous violations to tighten restrictions on the Palestinian residents of Yatta and al-Musafir to force them to leave their homes and lands.

Al-Khalil is the second most targeted city after Jerusalem by the ZOA because of its historical and religious significance.

The district suffers from the presence of more than fifty settlement outposts in which about thirty thousand Jewish settlers reside. 

The zionist government and settlement groups are speeding up time to control the largest possible amount of land, establish more settlements, and build roads, taking advantage of the current situation due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Palestinian estimates indicate that there are about 650,000 Israelis living in Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem. (ILKHA)