ZOF kidnaps 12 Palestinians in Jerulem and al-Khalil

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) on Wednesday evening kidnaped eight Palestinian young men from at-Tur neighborhood in east Jerusalem and four others from different areas of al-Khalil.

Ekleme: 14.01.2021 12:55:42 / Güncelleme: 14.01.2021 12:55:42 / English News
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According to eyewitnesses, the zionist police forces raided several homes in at-Tur town, which provoked clashes with local youths.

Eight young men were kidnaped from their homes during the police campaign. They were identified as Mohamed Akram, Khalil Ata, Ashraf Ghaith, Ibrahim Abul-Hawa, Dawoud Abu Laban, Fadi Hijazi, Adam Sami and Mahmoud Abul-Hawa.

At-Tur neighborhood is located on the Mount of al-Zeitun (Olives), which overlooks the Aqsa Mosque in the holy city.

In al-Khalil, the ZOF kidnaped two teenagers aged 17 from Tel Rumeida neighborhood in al-Khalil city. They were identified as Musaab an-Natsha and Saed Sidr.

The ZOF also kidnaped two young men at the main entrance to Idhna town in the west of al-Khalil.

The detained young men, Ghassan Bassam and Mutaz Mahmoud, were detained as they were doing their jobs at the Idhna municipality’s water section. (ILKHA)