Zionist regime attacks Palestine Medical Center in Ramallah city

A Palestinian pregnant woman and a paramedic were injured and others suffered from inhaling tear gas at an early hour on Sunday when the zionist occupation forces (ZOF) attacked Palestine Medical Center in Ramallah city.

Ekleme: 27.12.2020 16:05:51 / Güncelleme: 27.12.2020 16:05:51 / English News
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According to local and medical sources, the zionist soldiers stormed Ramallah city at dawn and embarked on firing rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters inside the Medical Center, with no regard for the inviolability of the place.

Consequently, a pregnant woman suffered a rubber bullet injury in her shoulder and a paramedic had a similar bullet injury in his hand, while doctors, patients, workers and visitors suffered from their exposure to tear gas.

An ambulance also sustained damage during the ZOF raid.

Palestinian health minister Mai al-Kaila strongly denounced the ZOF raid on the Medical Center, affirming that the ZOF endangered the lives of patients, children and women, and caused panic among them.

She stressed the need for urgent international action to protect the occupied Palestinian people and hold the Israeli occupation state accountable for such crime and violation of the international law. (ILKHA)