Germany reports record daily deaths of COVID-19

962 coronavirus patients have died in the last 24 hours in Germany, bringing the country’s death toll from the virus to 28,241.

Ekleme: 23.12.2020 13:40:32 / Güncelleme: 23.12.2020 13:40:32 / English News
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24,740 more people have tested positive for coronavirus in Germany over the last 24 hours, according to Robert Koch Institute.

The total number of cases has exceeded 1,55 million in the country.

“At present, coronavirus situation continues to worsen,” said Lothar Wieler, head of the RKI, during a press conference on Tuesday.

“If we make the most of the lockdown time by being mindful, we bring the numbers down faster. We have some tough weeks ahead of us. We should not make them any harder,” he added. (ILKHA)