HAMAS condemns political arrests of its figures in West Bank

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS has condemned the political arrest campaign launched by the Palestinian Authority (PA)'s security forces against HAMAS members and figures in the West Bank.

Ekleme: 22.12.2020 10:45:37 / Güncelleme: 22.12.2020 10:45:37 / English News
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“This campaign coincides with the PA’s decision to restore ties and security collaboration with the Israeli occupation; we consider this move a continuation of the policy of suppressing freedoms and targeting advocates of resistance that the PA security forces practice against Palestinian residents of the occupied West Bank in order to undermine any resistance action against the “deal of the century” and Israeli annexation plans,” HAMAS said.

“We reiterate the necessity for the PA's security forces to abandon such suppressive practices and policies, immediately, release all political prisoners, end security collaboration, scrap any agreement with the Israeli occupation, and work on embodying national partnership among Palestinian factions and reinforcing the Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli occupation and its plots,” HAMAS added. (ILKHA)