HAMAS: Failing to restore Palestinian unity should not hamper further efforts

Having not accomplished Palestinian reconciliation should not hinder efforts to achieve it, member of HAMAS Political Bureau Husam Badran said on Sunday evening.

Ekleme: 21.12.2020 16:35:34 / Güncelleme: 21.12.2020 16:35:34 / English News
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In a webinar, Badran explained that the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s decision to restore ties with the Israeli occupation had foiled the efforts to achieve the intra-Palestinian unity and undermined all Palestinian relations not only the relationship between HAMAS and Fatah.

In its talks with Fatah, HAMAS focused on restructuring and reviving the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), which is “the mother of the PA and its larger framework,” Badran stressed.

Badran continued: “We’re seeking to participate in and activate this institution to improve the Palestinian work.”

He affirmed that his movement is seeking a complete partnership with Fatah and all Palestinian factions in national institutions, decision-making process, and resistance against the Israeli occupation. 

Describing his movement’s relationship with all Palestinian factions as “excellent”, Badran pointed out that the HAMAS leadership is in close contact with the factions and consults them before taking decisions and approving them by the movement’s politburo. 

“Not having achieved unity won’t deter us from continuing to work on accomplishing it,” Badran reiterated.

Badran stressed that failing to achieve Palestinian reconciliation would not dissuade HAMAS from continuing its role in resisting the Israeli occupation. 

Arab veto

Badran noted that some Arab sides vetoed HAMAS’ endeavours to take part in the PLO, stressing: “But, we will not backtrack on our positions and constants.”

“HAMAS has been the spearhead of resistance against the israeli occupation for more than 20 years and has gained legislative legitimacy after securing the vast majority of votes in the latest election held in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem,” Badran added.

Badran reaffirmed that his movement is always ready to get engaged in a dialogue with all Palestinian factions and make concessions on all partisan matters.

However, HAMAS refuses to enter into a dialogue with any side that undermines its constants and its stances on resistance, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and collaboration with the Israeli occupation.  

Meanwhile, the head of HAMAS’ National Relations Office said that the zionist occupation is seeking to normalize ties with a number of Arab regimes to make the Palestinians believe that the Arab world have abandoned them.

“We know the vast majority of our Ummah are with Palestine and its cause and that normalization agreements between the Arab regimes and the Israeli occupation don’t represent them nor they express their views,” Badran concluded. (ILKHA)