Zionist soldiers storm various areas in Jerusalem and Jenin

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) stormed on Thursday and Friday various areas in the West Bank and Jerusalem during which violent confrontations erupted.

Ekleme: 18.12.2020 15:30:35 / Güncelleme: 18.12.2020 15:30:35 / English News
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In Occupied Jerusalem, al-Issawiya town witnessed violent confrontations during which Molotov cocktails were thrown at the zionist police, who fired tear gas canisters towards the homes of citizens.

In Jaba town, south of Jenin, the ZOF raided the town in the pre-dawn hours, which led to the outbreak of clashes with the Palestinian youths.

During these violent confrontations, Molotov cocktails were thrown at the ZOF vehicles.

The ZOF soldiers arrested on Thursday night Saleh Raqi Abu Alia and Asil Shaher Al Naasan, from al-Mughayir town, north of Ramallah.

The zionist police arrested on Thursday evening a young Jerusalemite from the Old City of Jerusalem, while the occupation courts extended the arrest of the Jerusalemite Najla Kanaan.

The zionist occupation intelligence agency took Naji Al-Zughayer from his shop on Al-Wad road in Old Jerusalem to a detention center.

Meanwhile, the occupation courts extended the arrest of Najla Kanaan, 51, until next Sunday.

The occupation police arrested Kanaan and her husband on Wednesday from the town of Hizma, east of Jerusalem, after raiding and searching their home.

The detainee is the mother of the martyr Muhammad Kanaan who died about 3 years ago from injuries sustained during clashes with the occupation police in the town. (ILKHA)