Erdoğan: Turkey has a lot of rights to be acknowledged by EU

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan answered reporters’ questions following Friday prayer at Hz. Ali Mosque in Istanbul.

Ekleme: 11.12.2020 17:40:32 / Güncelleme: 11.12.2020 17:40:32 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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In answer to a question about his views on the results of the EU leaders summit, Erdoğan said the summit didn’t yield the outcomes sought after by a few countries since their demands were not justified and that Turkey’s positive stance in the face of the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean dashed the hopes of these countries.

Noting that some EU countries acting with common sense foiled the plot by adopting a fair approach, Erdoğan, on the next EU summit slated for March 2021, stated: “That summit can yield no outcome either because there is a justified process going on for Turkey. Within this process, our rights must be recognized. Turkey has a lot of rights which must be acknowledged by the EU members from visa liberalization to customs exemptions.”

“The Minsk group couldn’t live up to expectations in the face of occupation”

Answering a question about Azerbaijan’s liberation of its lands from Armenian occupation, Erdoğan said Azerbaijan had waited patiently for a very long time for the liberation of its lands which had remained under Armenian occupation for 30 years, and that the Minsk Group couldn’t live up to expectations in the face of occupation.

Recalling the official visit he paid to Azerbaijan on December 9-10, Erdoğan further stressed: “We also reaffirmed via the agreements we signed the steps we are to take jointly in the period ahead. We will maintain the process with determination.” (ILKHA)