Turkey’s president Erdoğan to visit Azerbaijan

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will pay an official visit to Baku on Wednesday at the invitation of President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, a presidency statement said

Ekleme: 09.12.2020 09:20:31 / Güncelleme: 09.12.2020 09:20:31 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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“On the occasion of the visit, the two countries, which rest upon the principle of ‘One Nation Two States,’ will celebrate the successful completion of the operation, conducted by Azerbaijan with the aim of liberating its occupied territories in the face of the attacks Armenia launched on September 27, and the glorious victory Azerbaijan won,” the statement read.              

Erdoğan will participate in the Victory Parade, which will be held in Baku on December 10.

“The joint steps to be taken in order to pursue Azerbaijan’s rightful cause on international platforms in the new period ahead will be discussed at the talks during the visit,” the statement noted.

“The emerging opportunities for further strengthening the current cooperation between the two brotherly countries will be reviewed. Views will be exchanged on current international and regional developments.”

Various documents, aimed at significantly contributing to the contractual basis of the bilateral relations, are planned to be signed, according to the statement. (ILKHA)