Rouhani: Iran’s economy has showed its greatness and resilient against economic war

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani attended to the inauguration ceremony of 3 national projects of the Ministry of Oil in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Khuzestan and Bushehr provinces.

Ekleme: 27.11.2020 14:30:36 / Güncelleme: 27.11.2020 14:30:36 / English News
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Speaking on Thursday at the ceremony Rouhani said: “In this three-year economic war, the enemy stood against the Iranian nation with all its might, but failed miserably and was overthrown and will be thrown into the dustbin of history in a few weeks".

“No country in the region has such power that can stand and win such a 3-year economic war. This shows the greatness, power and resilience of the Iranian nation, which has been achieved as the fruit of the self-reliance and inward-looking approach of the people and the special geopolitical position of Iran” Rouhani stated.

“No person or power in the world can eliminate Iran, neither for the region nor for the world, due to its huge geographical position. Many came to destroy Iran and failed. Now these are the last ones who claimed and failed.”

Emphasizing that ‘prosperous and advanced Iran is not only for the people of Iran but also for the region and the world,’ Rouhani said: “Because of its great capabilities, Iran can meet the needs of the region and even the world in some cases cheaper and easier.” (ILKHA)