Palestinian youth killed by zionist soldiers

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) shot and killed a young Palestinian man on Wednesday evening for allegedly trying to carry out a car-ramming attack at the al-Zaeem checkpoint, east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Ekleme: 26.11.2020 09:20:30 / Güncelleme: 26.11.2020 09:20:30 / English News
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Hebrew sources earlier reported that the zionist soldiers fired at the driver of the car at the al-Zaeem checkpoint and he was seriously injured.

Eyewitnesses said that ZOF soldiers shot the young man while he was passing at the al-Zaeem checkpoint and did not allow anyone to approach the area.

The ZOF closed the checkpoint amid massive deployment of zionist soldiers in the area, according to the eyewitnesses. (ILKHA)