Pakistan: Recognition of israel not under consideration

The spokesperson of Pakistan Foreign Ministry categorically rejected baseless speculation regarding possibility of recognition of the zionist entity by Pakistan.

Ekleme: 25.11.2020 16:50:33 / Güncelleme: 25.11.2020 16:50:33 / English News
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The Spokesperson underlined that the Prime Minister’s statements in this context have been clear and unequivocal

“The Prime Minister has made it clear that unless a just settlement of the Palestine issue, satisfactory to the Palestinian people, is found, Pakistan cannot recognize israel,” the Spokesperson said.

“Pakistan steadfastly supports the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination. For just and lasting peace, it is imperative to have a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant United Nations and OIC resolutions, with the pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian State,” the Spokesperson added. (ILKHA)