WHO: COVID vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics must be available for all

“In our interconnected world, if people in low and middle income countries miss out on vaccines, the virus will continue to spread and economic recovery globally will be delayed,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at Paris Peace Forum 2020.

Ekleme: 13.11.2020 15:05:36 / Güncelleme: 13.11.2020 15:05:36 / English News
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Stating that the covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented crisis demanding an unprecedented response, Tedros said that global solidarity and global leadership are needed as never before.

Tedros reminded that in April, WHO and its partners launched the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator to accelerate the development production and equitable allocation of new covid-19 tools.

He also extends his thanks France, Germany South Africa, Norway and the European commission for their leadership in creating the political platform for the act accelerator to succeed.

“As part of act accelerator, 186 countries have now signed up the COVAX Facility to ensure that once we have a safe and effective vaccine it's available to those most at risk in all countries,” he noted.

“We have to urgently requests for the international community. First, the act acceleration will be no more than a noble gesture unless it's fully funded. The current financing gap for the act accelerator is 28.4 is billion US dollars. And 4.5 billion US dollars is needed urgently to maintain momentum.”

“And second, we must ensure fair allocation of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics. As global public goods are not private commodities that become one more reason some people are left behind,” he concluded. (ILKHA)