Zionist occupation abducts 341 Palestinians in West Bank in September

The Zionist occupation army has arrested 341 Palestinian citizens in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem over the past months, prisoners’ rights groups said Wednesday.

Ekleme: 15.10.2020 14:40:28 / Güncelleme: 15.10.2020 14:40:28 / English News
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Among the Palestinian citizens detained by the Zionist occupation forces last month are 32 children and three ladies, the Palestinian NGOs explained in a joint report.

The zionist occupation troops abducted 117 Palestinian citizens from Jerusalem, 25 others from Ramallah and al-Bireh, 80 others from Hebron, 28 others from Jenin and 30 others Bethlehem.  

Meanwhile, nine Palestinian citizens were arrested by Israeli occupation forces from Nablus, 13 from Tulkarm, ten from Qalqilia, six from Jericho, four from Tubas, and four from Salfit, in addition to 15 others from the Gaza Strip.

As of September 2020, the number of Palestinian detainees incarcerated in the Zionist regime’s prisons has reached 4,400, including 39 women and 155 children.

Some 350 of them are held in administrative detention without charge or trial.

During September, the zionist occupation courts have issued 98 administrative detention orders against Palestinian citizens, 41 of them were made for the first time while the rest of them were issued to renew the detention of Palestinian prisoners. (ILKHA)