Armenian artillery attack kills 3 civilians, injures 5 others in Tartar city of Azerbaijan

Armenian armed forces have killed 3 civilians and injured 5 others as a result of the artillery attack on graveyard in the Tartar city, Hikmet Hajiyev, the aide of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, announced on his Twitter account on Thurs

Ekleme: 15.10.2020 14:30:30 / Güncelleme: 15.10.2020 14:30:30 / English News
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“In Tartar city as a result of Armenia's deliberate attack to graveyard 3 civilians killed and 3 seriously wounded.  Armenia hiding itself behind humanitarian truce pursues policy of terror against civilians. Azerbaijan reserves it's sovereign right to protect its civilians,” Hajiyev said.

“The number of wounded civilians in Tartar increased to 5 as a result of Armenia's cruel artillery attack to city graveyard. Does city graveyard have any military meaning or necessity? Absolutely NO. Armenia's purpose is just to cause casualties among civilians,” Hajiyev added.

Heavy fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces erupted in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region on September 27.

Azerbaijani and Armenian sides agreed to start substantive talks over Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday.

The ceasefire started at noon on October 10, according to a document agreed upon by Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian foreign ministers in Moscow.

However, Armenia Army has continued its attacks in violation of temporary humanitarian truce. (ILKHA)