Akhras enters stage of extreme danger

Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras, who started a hunger strike 71 days ago, has entered the stage of extreme danger, the Jerusalem Muhjat Foundation for the Martyrs, Prisoners and Wounded warned on Monday.

Ekleme: 06.10.2020 09:30:09 / Güncelleme: 06.10.2020 09:30:09 / English News
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Akhras is still in Kaplan hospital and he suffers from a serious deterioration in his health as he suffers from shivering and coldness in his body, according to Muhjat Al-Quds.

The prisoner suffers from severe emaciation and the lower part of his body has become a bone mass. Furthermore, he cannot move or speak, his words are few and his voice is hoarse and weak, and he stays in bed around the clock.

Despite the serious deterioration in his health, he is still continuing and adhering to his legitimate fight against his arbitrary administrative detention until his just demand for freedom and the revocation of the administrative detention issued against him. He still refuses to take salts, supplements and vitamins, and to conduct medical examinations.

The Prisoners and Ex-prisoners Affairs Authority said on Monday that the Israeli prisons administration refused Akhras’s request to release him and end his administrative detention.

Hassan Abed Rabbo, the press advisor of the Authority, confirmed in press statements that the zionist supreme court refused to release Akhras, decided to keep its previous decision to freeze administrative detention against him without releasing him, while keeping him in Kaplan Hospital under the pretext that there were new secret materials against him.

Abed Rabbo warned of the seriousness of Akhras’s health condition, adding that he has lost more than 20 kilograms of weight and suffers from emaciation and general fatigue, poor hearing, nervous convulsions, and frequent cases of loss of consciousness.

Abed Rabbo called for the need to continue efforts at the national and international levels to release Akhras and more than 360 administrative prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons.

Muhjat Al-Quds Foundation held the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the life of Akhras, warning of the consequences of his demise whether within or outside the prisons. (ILKHA)