Two arsonists sentenced to death for Pakistan factory fire

Two arsonists were given the death penalty for starting a fire at a Pakistan garment factory that killed at least 260 people in 2012.

Ekleme: 22.09.2020 18:35:27 / Güncelleme: 22.09.2020 18:35:27 / English News
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A Pakistani court found Mohammad Zubair and Abdul Rehman guilty of arson, ruling the two intentionally set the garment factory ablaze after the owner refused to pay a bribe. 

Garment factories in the Pakistani cities of Karachi and Lahore caught fire on 11 September 2012. The fires occurred in a textile factory in the western part of Karachi and in a shoe making factory in Lahore.

The fires are considered to be the most deadly and worst industrial factory fires in Pakistan's history, killing 289 people and seriously injuring more than 600. (ILKHA)