Zionst occupation forces kills woman, arrests three men in West Bank raids

The zionist occupation forces at dawn Friday launched large-scale raids in different West Bank areas, killing a young woman and arresting three men.

Ekleme: 07.08.2020 17:15:26 / Güncelleme: 07.08.2020 17:15:26 / English News
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Local sources said that a Palestinian young woman identified as Dalia Sammoudi, 27, was killed when the zionist occupation forces raided Jenin amid heavy firing of live ammunition and tear gas canisters.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that Sammoudi was sitting inside her home when she was shot by a bullet to the chest.

Meanwhile, three Palestinian men were arrested from their homes in Bethlehem and Tulkarem districts. 

According to local sources, the detainees are Mohammed Soboh, Hamza al-Dibs, and Omar Abu al-Rob.

Violent confrontations broke out between the zionist occupation soldiers and the Palestinian residents of the raided areas. The zionist occupation soldiers, tear gas canisters, and stun grenades, while the Palestinians responded by throwing stones. (ILKHA)