Zionists issues 557 administrative detention orders against Palestinians in six months

Zionist occupation courts have issued 557 administrative detention orders against Palestinians over the past six months, a human rights group found.

Ekleme: 24.07.2020 15:35:25 / Güncelleme: 24.07.2020 15:35:25 / English News
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In a press statement, the Palestinian organization explained that 366 of the orders issued were made to extend the detention of Palestinians held in israeli jails for about two to six months.

Meanwhile, 191 of the administrative orders were issued for the first time against former Palestinian detainees who were rearrested by Israeli occupation forces.

The NGO group pointed out that issuing administrative detention orders by the zionist occupation amid the coronavirus pandemic reflected a “disregard for all norms and laws and a disdain for international organizations.”  

Palestinian detainees Odi Shehada, from the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and Fadi Ghnimat, from Hebron, have been on an open-ended hunger strike for a month to protest their administrative detention in Israeli prisons, the rights organization added.

The zionist occupation regime, the Gaza-based group continued, has ignored all calls by several international bodies, including the United Nations, to release Palestinian administrative detainees given that they are being held without a charge or trial.

The zionist occupation regime is still holding 400 Palestinians, including three members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, a woman, and two minors under administrative detention in its jails, the human rights organization concluded. (ILKHA)