Hope Caravan Foundation: Let's slaughter our sacrifices through NGOs

Reminding that the pilgrimage will not be held due to coronavirus, Hope Caravan Foundation Vice President Cemal Çınar called for the performance of sacrificial worship through NGOs.

Ekleme: 24.07.2020 12:35:25 / Güncelleme: 24.07.2020 12:35:25 / English News
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Calling on the Muslims who want to fulfill the sacrifice worship to donate their sacrifices days before the Eid al-Adha (The Festive of Sacrifice), Hope Caravan Foundation Vice President Cemal Cinar said that the pilgrimage will not take place this year in many countries so that the sacrifices which cannot be slaughtered in holy land must be delivered to the poor and needy people in the world through NGOs.

"The sacrifice is a worship that is as old as the history of the world and life."

Çınar stated that history of the sacrifice was a legitimate worship  of all the prophets from the first prophet sent throughout to the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and added: "It has existed as a worship legitimized from the procedures of the Sharia in the time of all the prophets sent in all periods of the history, but the form of this worship has changed from time to time. Some of the prophets were tried to sacrifice grains from their tribes to sacrifice animals from some, or even to sacrifice people (Prophet Ismail) during the time of Prophet Abraham. The sacrifice is valid until the moment when the apocalypse will occur. It is as old as the history of the world. (ILKHA)