The families of Susa massacre’s victims: They felt that they would be martyrs

The families of those who were martyred in a massacre organized by the PKK in the Yolaç (Susa) neighborhood of the Silvan district of Diyarbakir 28 years ago spoke to Ilke News Agency about the massacre.

Ekleme: 26.06.2020 16:20:32 / Güncelleme: 26.06.2020 16:20:32 / English News
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PKK slaughtered 10 Muslims 23 years ago in a mosque and despite all the years the past is not forgotten and still remembered today. The anger and grudge to murderers is increasing as days go by.

In the history many people have been slaughtered in mosques around different parts of the world. PKK’s massacre in Susa mosque comes forward in the geographic area of Kurdistan. On 26 June 1992 PKK attacked a mosque in Susa village located in Diyarbakir Silvan slaughtering 10 Muslims and injuring 4 after isha prayer.  

A group of PKK members dressed in army clothing and raided into Susa mosque slaughtering people and despite it been 23 years the day still remembered today. Victims of the massacre are remembered every year in the program organized and people are still rankled. Murderers are cursed for slaughtering Muslims worshiping.

Susa massacre is the evidence of their grudge and animosity against Muslims in the lands of Kurdistan.

Examining it from this prospective, murderers of the Susa massacre; in terms of stubbornness are like Ebu Cehil and his comrades, they are faithless as pharaoh and his helpers, they will be remembered with Nemrut.

Susa in located in Diyarbakir Silvan, which is a village, made up of 90 houses.  It is 80 kilometers away from Diyarbakir and 5 from Silvan and they are known as loyal people to their religion Islam.

Taliha Fidancı

Describing the night of the massacre as a dark and strange night, Taliha Fidancı, one of the witnesses of the event, stated: “Our house was right across from the mosque. A week before the incident, foreigners were around the mosque, spying on the area and following the arrivals. I was always warning the martyrs. They said to me, ' God is great. We fear no one but Allah. They spent a lot of time in the mosque. They were leaving the mosque after finishing their prayers, supplications and salawats. They really devoted their lives to the path of God. That night, I had invited them home for dinner and made preparations before the massacre were committed.

“If they had not martyred those in the mosque, they would have set our houses on fire”

Taliha Fidancı went on to say: “I waited for them; they didn't come. Then I sent the boy to call them. The boy's gone, and the boy hasn't come back for a while. Then when I heard the crowd and went outside, I came across the perpetrator. The way they dressed looked like soldiers. When I went to the mosque and looked, the people in the mosque were martyred. When I came to my house, gas canisters were left on the windowsill. So, if they hadn't martyred the people in the mosque, they would have set our houses on fire.  When I went to the mosque, Medeni was wounded. I looked for Said. I couldn't find him. We were surrounded. No one came to help us. Our peasant, named Suphan, was there. He raised a small child of 4 months into the air and said, ‘Even if this child is the only one left for the mosque, we will still go to the mosque. Do not think that mosques will be empty, Muslims will be destroyed.’ Hearing these words, the crowd entered their homes and closed their doors and sunken their lamps.”

“We saw the martyrs many times after their death”

“Time passed through cruelty and oppression. We saw persecution from the soldiers and the rangers who then entered the village. Our lives in the village have always been persecuted and grieved. The orphans of the martyrs were provided with financial support from the villagers who were in good condition. May Allah be pleased with them. Thank God the children of the martyrs grew up. We saw the martyrs many times. We have witnessed many miraculous situations. When I went to Said's house after his death, I saw him sometimes. The lives of the martyrs were always well spent. No one has ever heard bad words about them, nor bothered about themselves. They devoted their lives to God. They worked and fought for God. Their goal was only to teach children the Qur'an, to explain the messenger of Allah and to practice his Sunnah. So, Allah gave them martyrdom. May My Lord bestow upon us their good deeds. May God grant us to follow their path. May the Lord bestow upon our children their path. May our children grow up with the Qur'an until they die. May they die with the Love of The Messenger of Allah.”

Feriha Fidancı

Feriha Fidancı, who lost her husband, Mehmet Said Fidancı and 4 brothers-in- law in the massacre, also spoke about the massacre as well as the martyrs.

“My husband lived like a martyr, devoted his life to the path of Allah. He used to talk about martyrdom all the time, and he desired to be a martyr. Before his death, one of my husband’s friend came and asked him for tobacco. My husband left himself some tobacco and gave the rest to his friend. When I told him that he had no tobacco left, he said, ‘God is great, Don't worry, these are the last cigarettes I will smoke. He felt like he was going to be a martyr,” Feriha Fidancı said.

Talking about her conversation with her brother-in-law, Medeni Fidancı, one of the victims of the massacre, before his death, Feriha Fidanci said: “Medeni used to work in Istanbul during the winter months, while in the summer he was growing tobacco here. When I told him before the massacre that I wanted to go to Silvan, my mother-in-law asked me to stay at home. It was as if he had felt that he would become a martyr, and he did not want me to leave the village for him. The next day, after breakfast, I went to Silvan by his car. I stayed in Silvan that night despite their insistence.”

“Mom, do you want to be a mother of a martyr”

She recalled a conversation between her other brother in law, Zeki Fidancı, who also was killed in the massacre, and his mother, saying:” That evening, as they were eating at home, Zeki told his mother, ' Mom, do you want to be a mother of a martyr? And at the same time, Said also told his mother, ‘Mom, if someone becomes a Muslim after he has martyred me and tells you that he regrets having martyred your son, forgive him. Don't hold a grudge against him. Take him as a son just as you take me.” (ILKHA)