Zarif: IAEA should not allow JCPOA enemies to jeopardize Iran's supreme interests

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned the International Atomic Energy Agency that a new resolution would ruin any possible agreeable solution in the future.

Ekleme: 19.06.2020 18:40:07 / Güncelleme: 19.06.2020 18:40:07 / English News
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“IAEA Board of Governors should not allow JCPOA enemies to jeopardize Iran's supreme interests. E3 should not be an accessory, after failing own JCPOA duties,” Zarif tweeted on Friday.

“We've nothing to hide. More inspections in Iran over last 5 yrs than in IAEA history. An agreeable solution is possible, but Res will ruin it,” he added.

France, Britain and Germany submitted a draft resolution to the IAEA Board of Governors calling on Iran to provide access for the agency to two old sites. (ILKHA)