Zionist gangs raid homes, kidnap Palestinians in J’lem and W. Bank

The zionist occupation gangs last night and at dawn raided homes and kidnaped several Palestinian citizens, including a woman, in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Ekleme: 17.06.2020 13:55:25 / Güncelleme: 17.06.2020 13:55:25 / English News
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According to local sources in Jerusalem, zionist gangs kidnaped a young man called Adham al-Za’tari from al-Wad street in the Old City.

A Jerusalemite woman called Iman al-Aawar and her son, Jebril, were also kidnaped by police officers in Silwan district as they were getting prepared to visit her son, Mohamed, in the Negev jail.

Meanwhile, clashes broke out between local youths and zionist gangs in the neighborhood of Martyr Mohamed Obeida in the Jerusalem district of Issawiya.

In al-Khalil, the zionist gangs stormed Dura town and kidnaped two kids from their homes. They were identified as Mustafa az-Zeer and Majdi al-Rajoub.

In Bethlehem, the zionist gangs raided a house in Khirbet ad-Deir area in Tuqu town and handed the father of 25-year-old Anas Saleem a summons for his son from the Shin Bet.

The zionist gangs also stormed other areas of the West Bank and raided homes, with no reported arrests. (ILKHA)