Hamas urges Arab and int’l action against israel’s annexation plan

The Hamas Movement has called on the Arab countries and the international community to take serious and effective steps on the ground to prevent the Israeli occupation state from annexing parts of the West Bank to its sovereignty.

Ekleme: 09.06.2020 21:05:24 / Güncelleme: 09.06.2020 21:05:24 / English News
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“We value the stated Arab and international positions that reject the zionist entity’s intent to carry out large-scale annexation operations in the occupied West Bank,” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said on Monday.

Spokesman Qasem stressed the need for international action to pressure the occupation state and the US administration to backtrack on such plan.

“Media and political positions are not enough because the zionist entity is used to being rebellious against the international consensus and always behaves like a lawless bully,” he said. (ILKHA)