Mexico’s death toll from coronavirus rises to 12,545

According to Mexican Health Ministry, 816 people have died from coronavirus over the past 24 hours, bringing the country’s death toll from the virus to 12,816.

Ekleme: 05.06.2020 18:30:26 / Güncelleme: 05.06.2020 18:30:26 / English News
Destek için 

The number of confirmed cases has been 105,680, an increase of 4,442 cases in the last 24 hours.

75,448 patients suffering from coronavirus have recovered and been discharged from hospital.

The country has implemented the traffic light color system for the gradual reopening of the country since June 1. It consists of four colors (green, yellow, orange, and red) that represent the severity of the pandemic in each state. The traffic light is being updated weekly and each color indicates which activities are safe to resume. (ILKHA)